What Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that many people undergo to remove the impacted wisdom teeth and prevent future oral health issues. After the surgery, one of the most pressing concerns that patients think of is, “What do I eat or drink after this?”
To make sure you receive a smooth recovery, it’s important to know the right food and beverages that are safe to take and will not hinder the recovery process of your operation. From the dentists at Whitehorse Dental, here is a comprehensive guide on what to eat after your wisdom teeth removal and some tips on how you should take care of them.
The Importance of a Soft Diet
Right after your wisdom teeth removal, it is normal if your mouth feels tender and swollen. Other than your dentist’s instructions for a smooth recovery, one of the things you should also take note of is the food you will be eating for a couple of days.
Chewing can be painful after the surgery and may even disrupt the healing process. That’s why it’s vital to follow a soft diet to avoid irritating the surgical site. Soft foods are gentle on the gums and don’t require much chewing, reducing the risk of dislodging blood clots or causing pain.
How Long Should You Follow a Soft Diet?
You should base it according to your comfort level.
The duration of following a soft diet after wisdom teeth removal can vary based on individual comfort levels. Generally, it’s recommended to stick to soft foods for at least a week, gradually reintroducing harder foods as you feel comfortable. Listen to your body and consult with your dentist if you’re unsure about when to transition back to a normal diet.
Recommended Soft Foods
Here are some soft foods that are ideal for the initial days following your wisdom teeth removal:
Creamy Soups
Go for pureed or blended soups that are rich in nutrients and comforting. Try to avoid hot soups at the moment to prevent irritation and ensure a soothing eating experience.
Yoghurt is smooth, creamy, and also filled with probiotics, which not only aid digestion but support overall health. Choose plain or fruit-blended yoghurt without any chunks to avoid irritating the extraction sites.
Ice Cream
Cold foods like ice cream can help numb the surgical area and reduce swelling. Go for ice cream that has a smooth, non-chunky texture to ensure comfort while eating.
Cooked oats are soft and easy to swallow, making them a perfect choice for breakfast or a snack. Make sure they are well-cooked and not too hot to prevent discomfort.
Mashed Bananas
Mashed bananas are potassium-rich and easily digestible, which makes them the perfect choice for a snack that’s gentle on your mouth while providing essential nutrients.
What to Drink After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Staying hydrated is essential for a quick recovery. However, not all beverages are suitable post-surgery.
Water is the best choice for staying hydrated. It’s gentle on your mouth and helps keep you hydrated without causing any irritation.
Smoothies are a versatile and great option to take during your wisdom teeth recovery because they are packed with vitamins and minerals. Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, and yoghurt to create a variety of flavours while ensuring a nutrient-rich intake.
Milkshakes are a refreshing and nutritious option that can provide the needed calories and nutrients in your body. Blend your favourite ice cream with milk for a tasty and gentle treat.
Foods and Drinks to Avoid
As a general rule, you should avoid eating hard, crunchy, and sticky foods after your wisdom teeth removal. These can stress out the surgery site and might tear up the stitch. Certain foods should be avoided to prevent complications and ensure a smooth recovery:
Quinoa and Seeds
Foods like quinoa and seeds can get stuck in the surgical sites and cause irritation or infection—you don’t want that to happen. It’s best to avoid these until your gums have fully healed.
Spicy and Acidic Foods
If you love eating Mexican or Indian foods, sadly, you have to steer clear of these for a few weeks. Spicy and acidic foods can cause discomfort and irritation in the surgical area. Stick to bland, soft foods during the initial recovery phase. We know it can be boring, but it can be good for your treatment.
Alcohol can interfere with the healing process and should be avoided until you have fully recovered from the surgery.
Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks can cause discomfort and delay the healing process. Stick to water, smoothies, and other non-carbonated beverages.
Managing Your Diet Based on the Number of Teeth Removed
If One Tooth is Removed
If only one wisdom tooth is removed, you can still chew on the other side of your mouth. So, there is still a little bit of leeway to have a more varied diet. But it’s still important to stick to softer foods initially to avoid any unnecessary pressure on the surgical site.
If Multiple Teeth are Removed
If multiple wisdom teeth are removed, a strict soft diet is recommended. This will help avoid any complications and ensure a smoother recovery.
Keep your Recovery Smooth
Eating after wisdom teeth removal may seem challenging, but with careful planning and patience, you can nourish your body while supporting the healing process. We hope you find this guide helpful for your recovery journey after a wisdom tooth removal.
If you want to talk more about wisdom teeth removal or any other dental procedure, our dentists are Whitehorse Dental are skilled and friendly to assist you. Visit our Blackburn, VIC clinic today to meet our caring dentists. Book an appointment or call us at (03) 8838 8820 to set up your schedule.